An asteroid landed on Earth, causing the explosion of 47 million nuclear bombs


A 12 billion-kilometer giant asteroid, 12 billion tons, fell to Earth 12,000 years ago at the end of the ice age, producing an explosion equivalent to 47 million nuclear bombs of the kind that the Americans have data in Hiroshima, Japan, 705 billion tons of "TNT".

The study, recently published in the journal Science Advances America, revealed that the explosion destroyed all lives in the 100-kilometer circle when the asteroid fell, producing the largest nozzles in the soil of the region now called Greenland between the Arctic and the Atlantic, Politically in the Kingdom of Denmark.

According to Al-Arabiya Net, the ice has accumulated over time on the crater and covered it with a layer of 800 meters that it has blocked for thousands of years. The researchers discovered that the nozzle had been discovered using radar detectors to return echo waves when searching for layers. Ice cream

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Source: Saudi Arabia

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