Apple is working on the new iPad Mini will probably reach next year


Reviews of iPad Mini 3 (3) -970-80 (1)

Apple has decided to hold a new press conference on October 30, when the company is expected to unveil the new iPad tablets. As we have said, a new report has been released which states that the iPad Mini will return to life in the future. Apple should now launch a new iPad Mini because it would have one under development. It should be noted that this possibility was evoked by eminent Chinese analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.

Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo expects Apple to unveil two models of the iPad Pro next week, both of which will feature a USB Type-C port. He says that the Apple Pencil digital pen will have a new design and will obviously be compatible with modern iPad tablets.

The analyst, Ming-Chi Kuo, also said that we would also see Mac-related commercials at this event. According to his predictions, three new desktops and a new MacBook could be marketed at a low price. In addition, Mac Mini and processors can also be upgraded to iMac computers.

The analyst expects the new iPad mini to be on the agenda. Can include a faster processor and a low cost screen. The new iPad Mini should not be launched at the October 30 event. It is therefore likely that this tablet will not be available until the beginning of next year.


Fatima Ait Talib

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