'Apple Mabs' new design and more detailed information


Since the launch of the Apple Maps service for OSOS 2012 smartphones, it has been marked by problems and criticism. Although improvements have been made in the application of navigation and maps since, Apple has failed to achieve the desired success.

TechCrunch, a technology specialist, said that Apple is currently overhauling its navigation and mapping application. "The report points out that Apple has decided to create its own map database, while the Mapes application previously relied on external digital mapping services, Tom Tom, Open Street Mabs." First founded the "central maps" which represent the building blocks of any navigation application, then these data are supplemented by high definition satellite data.

Apple Vice President, Eddie Ko, " We are trying to create what we hope to be the best mapping application in the world and move on to the next step. "In order to collect the data needed for the application, Apple uses mini-buses for mapping since 2015, combining three-dimensional high-quality street images using Google's Street View service.

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