Apple releases iOS 11.4.1 with USB restriction mode


Apple released version 11.4.1 of its iOS operating system and released WatchOS 4.3.2 and TVOS 11.4.1 with simple fixes for iPhones, iPads, HomePods and Apple TV platforms, but the most important surprise is that the new version includes a new important security feature is the USB restriction mode.

This feature has been designed to prevent the intrusion of phones and other devices by law enforcement and protect Apple products from devices used by the forces of the "Apple". order and private companies that use the Lightning port to bypass the iPhone access code. And the USB restriction mode was first noted by ElcomSoft security researchers in May under the beta version of iOS 11.4.

This function disables the Lightning port, which charges the terminal and transmits the data after an hour lock of the device Although it is still possible to charge the phones through this port, the owner of the Device must connect with a password To transfer data, and with the feature enabled, it prevents USB extensions from connecting to an iPhone or iPad tablet when it is locked for more than one year. one hour.

iOS 11.4.1 users have the option to enable or disable the function via Touch ID menu settings, Passcode, Face ID and Passcode. A new option for USB accessories s & # Displays in the settings and search in the Face ID or Touch ID and Passcode menu. This applies to the USB Restriction mode, which is disabled by default.

This means that once you lock an iPhone or iPad computer for more than one hour, the iOS operating system no longer allows USB devices to connect to it. device, closing access devices such as GrayKey to decrypt phones. Enable the option to remove the time limit in case you want to continue working and use the extensions after the device has been locked for a while.

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Apple's decision to apply the USB restriction mode to enhance user privacy may put the company in conflict with the authorities and authorities wishing to access information stored on iPhone devices Where law enforcement agencies already had access to and access to data on phones by connecting them to devices with the help of # 39; special software, without going through the security features of the iPhone.

Apple said in a statement about this feature: "We are constantly working to improve the security protection in every Apple product to help customers defend themselves against hackers, thieves and interventions in their personal data. We respect police agencies, we do not baptize through our security measures and corrections to thwart their efforts to carry out their duties, "and confirmed that the company has made the changes taking into account the fact consumer interest primarily.

Third party security companies, including Grayshift and Cellebrite, have developed custom tools to allow police to break suspicious devices, sold at relatively high prices, without knowing if these tools will be put in place. to bypass the restricted mode.By USB, or if any other iOS security vulnerabilities c will continue to activate the penetration of the material.

Apple has a long history with law enforcement agencies. In 2016, the company has publicly faced with the FBI after being accused of not helping the company. agency to decipher a phone belonging to an offender. "Apple said that providing a back door on the iPhone would mean weakening the security of all other iPhone, prompting the FBI to hire another company after paying the physical costs to decrypt the phone and access the phone. information inside.

Note: The content of this news was written by the Arab Portal for Technical News and does not reflect the views of Egypt today, but it has has been transferred by the contents of the Arab Gate for Technical News. (d) {var js, id = facebook-jssdk # if (d.getElementById (id)) {return} js = d. createElement (& # 39;); = id; js.async = true; js.src = " "; d.getElementsByTagName (& # 39; head & # 39;) [0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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