Argentine Gonzalo Higuain is preparing to join Milan


AC Milan is looking to compete for next season's championships, and club management is trying to engage players who will be adding to the championships in the coming years, and sources say that Milan is close to signing the Argentine star and Gonzalo Higuain. The Argentine midfielder was upset by Juve's attempts to get rid of him after Cristiano Ronaldo was hired for Argentina to relocate to Milan and Chelsea.

The Italian daily Gazzetta dello Sport reported that Higuain was closer to moving to Milan. The Argentine player could be part of a possible exchange with Juventus to sign Leonardo Bonucci of AC Milan, where officials of the old lady are eager to sign it this summer.
The Italian source confirmed that Juventus is working

By Amjad al-Salawi

Amjad al-Sulayhi, member of the editorial board of the NewsA Newspaper, editor-in-chief of the entertainment news section, graduated from the University of Damascus Syria Media

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