Art and Culture Rogina and Pussy Shalaby congratulate Abeer Sabri on his marriage to Bayaa


Rogina congratulated the artist Abeer Sabri on the occasion of his marriage with the lawyer Ayman Baya

Rogina published a photo through his personal account on the social networking site Instagram , and commented: "My love, congratulations, Ayman El Bayaa, Love Story, our Lord is doing well, the Lord is always in constant love, the joy to you strong God bless you. 19659003] Bassi Shalabi congratulated Abeer Sabri on the occasion of his wedding, and posted a photo through his personal account on the social networking site Instagram, and commented: "Congratulations to friend Abeer Sabri and Ayman Bayaa for their wedding. 19659006] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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