Artificial intelligence technology allows Gboard to post poster suggestions during discussions – UAE News


Oud Al Hazm

Artificial intelligence applications are growing rapidly, and when updating the Gboard keyboard application, artificial intelligence technology offers GIF images, stickers or emoticons during conversations .

Artificial intelligence applications are growing rapidly, and when updating the Gboard keyboard application, artificial intelligence technology offers GIF images, stickers or emoticons during conversations .

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The Gword keyboard application on the Android platform brings new features supported by artificial intelligence technology users: Google recently announced that artificial intelligence technology would make quick suggestions when conversations with moving pictures, posters or emoji corresponding to the text.

Google confirms that this update will provide users with a quick experience of conversations and the inclusion of emoticons or posters quickly, without it being necessary to first look for the symbols or posters reflecting conversations.

Gboard should also come with a GIF icon that will appear at the top right of the app, showing the animations or the user's stickers as well as the emoticons you prefer to share during conversations.

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Google has also confirmed that the proposals submitted to the user were processed in the application on the phone of the user, in order to check the privacy of proposed posters for the user.

At present, this feature is available to users of the application on the Android platform worldwide, but it still only supports English.

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