Artificial Intelligence Will Create Millions Of Jobs To Compensate For Job Losses


With the development of techniques and systems Artificial Intelligence that are beginning to rely on them in various areas of work, many are beginning to question the impact of this development on their future employment opportunities. Recent reports answer these questions by stating that they have no basis and that artificial intelligence will create more jobs that did not exist before, will create more jobs. jobs by offering new tools to entrepreneurs, which could also create new business sectors. We can not imagine them now.

AI was developed to create more than 7 million new jobs in the UK in the areas of health, science and education by 2037, to make up for the losses jobs in manufacturing and other industries, according to a PwC report

PricewaterhouseCoopers' PWC report says that artificial intelligence will create more jobs that would reach 7.2 million jobs – instead of 7 million jobs wasted by automation By promoting economic growth. The company estimates that about 20% of jobs will be automated over the next 20 years and that no work sector will be affected by the progress and development of artificial intelligence systems and robots.

As robots, drones and self-propelled vehicles will replace human workers in some areas, they will also create many additional functions while increasing productivity, real incomes and the development of new products.

The increasing automation of factories is a long-term trend. Pepper – created by a Softbank Robotics company in Japan – has already been used in stores, banks and social welfare institutions, which has raised concerns about widespread job losses.

Nevertheless, PWC estimates that health care and social work will be the biggest beneficiaries of artificial intelligence, where the number of jobs can increase by about a million. jobs, which equates to more than a fifth of jobs in this sector.

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Professional, Scientific and Technical Services, Including Law, Accounting and Applied Engineering And Advertising Companies on the Second Largest Share of Jobs, Where they will receive about half a million jobs while education will receive about 200,000 additional jobs . John Hawksworth, chief economist at PWC, said: "Health care should see an increase in employment as demand rises as society enriches and the population of the United Kingdom increases. . High incomes, where patients always want the "human touch" of doctors, nurses and other workers "On the other hand, as autonomous vehicles increase over the coming period and as the As factories and warehouses become more and more automated and mechanized, the manufacturing, transportation and storage sectors may see their jobs down. "

The report estimates that the manufacturing sector could lose a quarter of current jobs through automation by 2037, a total of 700,000 jobs while the transportation sector and storage would lose up to 22 % of current job opportunities are about 400,000 jobs.

J I have this area of ​​public administration and military defense that is expected to lose about 275,000 jobs, a decrease of 18%. When clerical tasks in the public sector risk being replaced by algorithms, while in the field of military defense, humans will be increasingly replaced by drones and other technologies.

The city of London comprises more than a quarter of professional, scientific and technical activities. 2.3% – which could reach 138,000 additional jobs – and should witness the East Midlands The East Midlands The largest net decrease in employment up to 27 thousand jobs, a decrease in artificial intelligence will create millions of jobs to offset the job losses

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