Asala wants to join Mohammed Abdo, Kazim Al Saher, Majed Al Mohandes and Abdullah Al Ruwaished in "Okaz Market"


Syrian singer Asala surpassed her crisis with the management of the Mawazine Festival and sent a strong message to the Okaz market management in Saudi Arabia, in which she confirmed her willingness to participate with adults: Mohammad Abdo, Kazem Al Saher, Majed Al Mohandes and Abdullah Al Ruwaished.

Asala publishes the advertising poster of the Okaz market concerts on July 12 and 13 and comments on his account on the Instagram site: "As for politics, men … and men, men … men, women and men … And here are the great men, meeting in Saudi Arabia … I wish you happiness, I wish the people Yen hear you and proud. 19659003] She added, "This is the world to which I belong, and here is his people hardened by him and wiped off his dust, for you are a life of love and pride and medicine for the Spirit. , God prolongs your age and the age of your loved ones.

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