"Asymmetric eye deflection" is a rare disease behind Da Vinci's creations


The researchers discovered a rare disease that affected the eye of the famous Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci, which would have caused the accuracy of his paintings.

In a study published in the Gama Journal of Ophthalmology, the researchers said the disease Da Vinci suffered from was called "asymmetrical deviation of the eye," explaining: "The deep-seated graphics have therefore been produced on screens dishes with extreme precision ".

The researchers analyzed the tendency to look at the 6 works of the famous painter and the results showed an offset of the eye of 10.3 degrees outward in the case of a relaxed vision, but the eyes become in the good alignment during a concentration.

The scientists predicted that this condition would affect Davinci's left eye, explaining that it made it difficult to maintain eye alignment when viewing a fixed object, but considered that this allowed the painter to see the world from a different angle and help him understand the powers of three-dimensional objects, The flour best known in his paintings gives him a third dimension.

Asymmetric aberration is a form of dementia that affects 1% of the world's population.

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