Balloons Project Loon will bring Internet to rural Nairobi


The Loon balloons will bring the Internet to rural areas of Nairobi, according to an electronic source that will bring you the Al-Wasat newspaper website containing news about balloons. The Loon project will bring the Internet into the areas Nairobi.

Before the Alphabet Company, Google's parent company to bring the Internet to remote areas. As you probably know, Project Loon relies on balloons to broadcast the Internet in many remote locations around the world to connect more people to the Internet. Kenya's Minister of Information and Communication Technologies has shown that the country will use the Project Loon Project of Alphabet to connect a larger population of rural areas to the Internet.

Project Loon has already been well used. It has been used by telecommunication companies in the United States to provide access to more than 250,000 people in Puerto Rico during the previous year after the devastating hurricane that devastated the country at the time.

Kenya aims to connect more people living in rural areas to the Internet. Joe Mucheru, Kenya's Minister of Information, Communication and Technology, told the Al-Wasat news agency that Loon project representatives were discussing with local telecommunications companies in the country to start to deploy balloons that broadcast the Internet. "Project Loon continues to sign contracts, and we hope that as soon as this is done, we will be able to see the coverage cover almost all regions of the country," he said.

Project Loon also established consultations with telecommunication companies in Kenya, but did not provide any other information.


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Source: Electronic

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