"Barefoot Your Love" by Pascal Machaalani


Pascal Machaalani launches his new song "Bakhaf Ihsak" through Live Style Studios on YouTube

The song is composed by Maroun Rouhana, composed and distributed by Melhem Abu Shadid, filmed under the direction of Fadi Haddad and published by Pascal

The song "Bakhaf Ihsak" is the first collaboration between Pascal Machaalani and Live Styles Studios.

Pascal Machaalani's last work was an album entitled "My Love Mesh Haki", which she presented last year, which included nine songs collaborated with a number of poets, composers and distributors including Nader Abdullah, Melhem Abu Shadeed, Wael Al Ashqar, Munir Bo Assaf, Ihab Abdo, Adel Raffoul, Hussein Khalifa, Mohammad Rajeh and Mohammed Abia.

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