Bayern Munich offers evidence of a fifth round defeat by Real Madrid


The Eurosport daily quotes the Bayern Munich website as proof of a return of Real Madrid to the fifth round.

Bayern Munich is looking for a new player to replace Colombian striker Khamis Rodriguez to return to Real Madrid in the current summer transfer.



Real Madrid had lent Bayern Munich last summer for two years to buy 45 million euros but it seems that the player does not want to continue until the end of his loan. The world 's newspapers confirmed that Bayern Munich seemed to be consulting on the solutions to the summer transfer market in order to make up for the expected retirement of Khamis in the coming period, although the Bavarian administration has not much moved this summer to strengthen the team. Since the retirement of Brazilian star Douglas Costa for juventus Juventus Juventus for 40 million euros last summer, Bayern Munich has not sought to pay much money in the market transfers and began to take over the teams.

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Newspapers indicate that Bayern Munich is launching a search for a player who can prepare the same impact as Khamis, who provides levels higher than the previous season. The player has withdrawn and that is what Jorge Mendes has quoted as negotiating the return of the player to Meringue.

The situation has changed in the distance after the Frenchman Zinedine Zidane withdrew from the team's recent exercise and did not show his conviction for Khamis' potential, but with Julien Lobetigue at the head of the team.

Bayern Munich began thinking about strengthening the attack center while Polish team's top scorer, Robert Lefandowski, also announced his desire to leave and start a new trial in the coming period. Bayern Munich offers evidence of a five-year draw of Real Madrid's return to news on social networking sites. You can also follow all the news via Facebook and Twitter.

Source: Saudi Eurosport

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