Bayoumi Fouad, first American president of Egyptian origin in "Hishmat Al Abyad" .. Video


Written by Amir Fathi on Monday November 5th, 2018 at 05:23 –

Fayoum Fouad

Fayoum Fouad

Fayoum Fouad

The artist Bayoumi Fuad will resume the shooting of the latest scenes of his new series "Hishmat Al Abyad", belonging to the works of Minya Dharma, which will take place in 13 episodes and will be broadcast on one of the Internet platforms. The team will have 5 days of filming and all the scenes will be completed before the end of the year. Current

The series revolves around Hishmat, whose personality is represented by Bayoumi Fuad, a man of Egyptian descent who decides to run for the presidency of the United States of America and who wins it. to become the first Egyptian of the White House. Events and positions develop during the series in a comedy comedy

"Hishmat Al-Abyad", the idea of ​​Mohammed Al-Shawaf and participated in the writing of the last four episodes, Mohammed Abu Al-Saad, Walid Abu Al-Majd and Ibrahim Rabie, directed by Mustafa Fekri , with Bayoumi Fouad, Inam Salousa, Badria Tolba, Gamal Islam, Heba Abdel Ghani and Rania Mallah Saeed, Ahmed Raafat and Asma Jalal, as well as a large group of guests of honor

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