"Beach Safety" offers awareness of Thailand


The "Beach Safety" campaign launched by the Public Security Directorate of Dubai, in cooperation with the Municipality of Dubai and strategic partners, conducted an awareness campaign for the Thai community of Jumeirah Beach Bikers in the presence of Consul General of the Kingdom of Thailand Anup Purnassyat and his Deputy Rangsant Sri Mangkorn, Head of the Department of Diplomatic and Consular Affairs of the Department of Public Investigation and Criminal Investigation of Dubai Police, Lieutenant Colonel Tariq Al Suwaidi, and a certain number of Dubai police and consular employees.

Campaign participants sensitized beach women to the importance of following the instructions and safety instructions, to avoid sunburn and heat stress, to supervise children when They swim and advise them on safety and misconduct.

Ongoing operations conducted on the instructions of the Commander-in-Chief of Dubai Police, Major General Abdullah Khalifa Al-Marri, and designed to meet the needs of the target audience with awareness messages.

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