Between two seasons: Lukako .. The sleeping monster


Between Two Seasons is a paragraph that illustrates the difference between the performance of the most important players in the last two seasons and how it affected the player's level and whether it was better or worse.

See also: Belgium and England ..

A comparison between Lukako's performance during his last two seasons

Individual Performance

The average of the player's dodgers was a dodge in the game while the average of the Belgian dodgers was 1.7 in the game with Everton in the 2016/2017 season due to the l? the player's commitment to technical matters

Group performance

Romilo Lucaco's performance improved slightly: Manchester United scored seven goals in 34 Premier League matches, with a success rate of 68% and an average of creating opportunities for a chance in the game. His average cross was 0.3 in the game, while Everton scored 6 goals in 37 Premier League matches, which was below the 2017/2018 season with a score of 66%. His average creation opportunities were greater as he was 1.3 in the game, which indicates an increased efficiency of the player by creating his chances for a single goal industry that has increased with Manchester United while the average game for the occasional balls was 0.2 in the game.

In his last season with Everton, he scored 25 goals in 37 games and his average shot was 3 percent to 64 percent, while in the 2017/2018 season he scored just 16 goals in 34 Premiership games. He managed to reach an average of 2.5 in the match with a precision of less than 63%, which may be due to his request to go back further and create spaces for his comrades.

Defensive Performance

Lukako's defensive performance has not changed: during the 2016/2017 season, the average player intervention was 0.2 in the game while the average objections was 0.1 in the match. In the season 2017/2018 with Manchester United, while the gains of the player in aerodynamics went from 42% to 52%.

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