Bilqis Fathi reveals the destruction of militias on his father's farm in Hodeida


Gulf 365 – Hodeida

Yemeni actress Balqees Ahmed Fathi confirmed that Huthi militias have destroyed his father's farm, the great artist and musician Ahmed Fathi, in Hodeida.

This came in the context of his response to a comment on his personal Twitter page about his father's worrying situation at a time when Hodeidah's military movements of joint forces were freeing them from militias.

Balqis said that her father's farm had "completely destroyed" her, a day after she vocalized the operation.

And Balqis wrote yesterday: # Hodeidah_tntzr God Akbar Ozoti .. Glory to Ibtama, God support you Oh my victory is clear .. Peace, the Emirates of the soul and heart Saudia Peace and God reward you with the best reward.

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