BlackBerry is preparing to detect the Lite version of its Key2 phone


  Blackberry is preparing to detect the Lite version of his phone Key2
Blackberry is preparing to discover the Lite version of his phone Key2

After the announcement of the BlackBerry Phone Key2 " Blackberry Canada is developing a lite version of its new phone, named "Luna."

The famous lexicon through its account on Twitter Twitter displays an updated phone photo, which shows the back design of the smart phone , which is very similar to KEY2 with a dual camera, but with a red frame around the phone.

<img alt = "Blackberry Phone" src = "https: //img.youm7. com / ArticleImgs / 2018/7/18 / 16954-% D9% 87% D8% A7% D8% AA% D9% 81-% D8%
Blackberry Phone

A Blackberry Phone [194900012] KEY2 KEY2 have the same size and shape, so the following device should have a 4.5-inch screen at the top of the hardware keyboard, side-by-side memory The random access is less than 6GB on the KEY2 and the processor is likely to vary, the resolution of # 39, display and internal memory.

The BlackBerry BlackBerry Phone Should Have an Average Price,

In addition to the updated black and red version of the phone, KEY2 Lite should also be printed in blue and copper.

19659013] Source: 7th day

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