BlackBerry plans to launch Lite version of Key2 Phone – UAE News


The famous lexicon "Ivan Plus" reveals through his Twitter account that Blackberry Canada has developed a light version of his new phone called "Key2", nicknamed "Luna" …

On Twitter, that Canadian society Blackberry develops a lighter version of his new phone " Key2" and calls it "Luna".

The new phone is very similar to the KEY2 phone with a dual camera, a red frame around the phone.

The image published by the famous lexicon through his account shows that my phone KEY2 Lite and KEY2 have the same size and the same shape, so the following device must be on you. A 4.5-inch screen at the top of the hardware keyboard, and less than 6GB of RAM in the KEY2 phone, and the processor should vary, the display resolution and internal memory.

The new BlackBerry should have an average and convenient price.

In addition to the black and red version of the new phone, KEY2 Lite should also come out in blue and copper

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