Came to attend the World Cup .. Russian security stopped a British stadium supporter at the request of the official UAE!


In a highly controversial incident, the Russian authorities on Friday suspended British support on the basis of an international search note at the request of the UAE.

The Toshino District Court in Moscow reported that he was considering the arrest of the 63-year-old Briton Trevor Horsley, who had been arrested.

Muhammad Isendirov, the defense lawyer of the British citizen, said that his client entered Russia some time ago as a fan of the events of the World Cup in Russia, and that 39 he did it without problem.

He continued: "But two days ago, he was arrested on the ground in Moscow, claiming to be an international appendix at the request of the UAE."

According to the lawyer, the Tushino District Court will hear today the request of the Russian prosecutor 's office concerning the arrest of his client for two months to continue his extradition to the UAE.

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