Camp Alexandria .. Measuring speed of players in Ismaili


Camp Alexandria .. Measuring the speed of the players in the Ismaili Observatory news stadium, citing Al Ahram Sport, we publish the camp of Alexandria .. Measuring the speed of the players in the Ismaili stadium, Camp Alexandria .. Measuring the speed of the players in the Ismaili stadium

Observatory of the news Maran Ismaili witnessed the measurement of the speed of the players using equipment, on the sidelines of the evening match of the yellow team.

Marrane also talked about how to catch the ball under the pressure of the opponent, in addition to the quick pass of one touch.

Al Marran concluded with an enthusiastic flaw among all players, including the execution of a number of technical sentences before being stopped several times to give players technical instructions.

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(Alexandria, Egypt), Alexandria Observatory: by measuring the speed of the players in the Ismaili camp, follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive news regularly.

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