Carrie Fisher appears in the new part of "Star Wars"


No. 10704 Monday, July 30, 2018 corresponding to 16 Dhu al-Qa & # 39; da 1439

The Walt Disney Company said that the late actress and screenwriter Carrie Fisher will appear in the new part of the sci-fi series (Star Wars) via a video that has never been aired.
Skywalker, who died in Star Wars: The Last Lady last year, will also appear in the new part that will be filmed in London on August 1st.
Fischer, who played Princess Leah, died suddenly in December 2016 at the age of 60 after a heart attack while she enjoyed returning to work as part of the Star Wars series that was brought back to life by my grandfather D was reunited with the family of the original film represented by Mark Hamil and Harrison Ford in Star Wars: The Force Oaks.
Fisher had just finished filming The Last Lady and was to be the main character of Princess Leah in Part IX JJ Abrams, director of the ninth edition of the film, said: "We loved Carrie Fisher .. To find a really satisfying ending to Skywalker's story without it is a headache – we never rewrite or never use a personal computer – thanks to the support and blessing of her daughter Billy, we have found a way to honor Carrie's legacy and role in Lea's character in Part IX using an unpublished sequence we had seen in Part VII, referring to Force.

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