Central Bank reveals high volume of Egypt's foreign trade during (2017/2018)


The Egyptian Central Bank announced that the volume of trade between Egypt and the countries of the world had increased to reach the 2017-2018 fiscal year, reaching $ 9.88 billion, of which 1.63 billion billion dollars of imports and 8.25 billion dollars of exports compared to the volume of trade reached 7.80 billion dollars during the year. Financial 2016-2017 of which 59 billion dollars of imports and 7.22 billion dollars of exports.

He added that the volume of trade between Egypt and major trading partners (14 countries accounting for 60% of the total trade volume) amounted to about $ 1.5 billion, compared with 1.45 billion dollars.

The report points out that the volume of Egyptian exports to major trading enterprises reached $ 16.3 billion, compared to $ 6.1 billion, against $ 7.35 billion, against $ 5.31 million.

He noted that the UAE was Egypt's largest trading partner, with trade volumes of about $ 8.5 billion, of which $ 3 billion was imports, $ 2.5 billion dollars of exports, followed by China, reached $ 7.5 billion, of which $ 4.5 billion in Egyptian imports and $ 1.80 million in Egyptian exports.

The United States ranked third with a trade volume of $ 5.2 billion, of which $ 2.9 billion in imports and $ 2.08 billion in exports, followed by Saudi Arabia ranks fourth in terms of trading partners with a trade volume of US $ 6.4 billion, of which US $ 5.3 billion were imports and US $ 1.035 billion were exports.

Italy occupies fifth place with a trade volume of 4.5 billion dollars, of which 1 921 billion in imports and 2.5 billion in exports, followed by Germany with a volume of trade of 9.3 billion, of which $ 2.9 billion in imports, trade volume with the United Kingdom totals $ 3.8 billion, of which $ 1.2 billion is imports into Egypt and $ 1.7 billion 'exports.

Russia ranked eighth for a trade volume of $ 42.3 billion, of which $ 1.3 billion in imports into Egypt and $ 259.2 million in exports, for $ 3.7 billion, including $ 1.9 billion in imports. The volume of trade between Egypt and Switzerland amounted to about $ 8.2 billion, including $ 1.9 billion in imports, compared to $ 915 million in exports.

France ranked 11th with a trade volume of 6.2 billion dollars, of which 1.9 billion dollars worth of imports, 644 million dollars, followed by India with a trade volume of 6.2 billion, of which 1.4 billion dollars of imports. Then comes Spain with a trade volume of $ 2 billion, including $ 2.1 billion in imports and $ 4.966 million.

Trade volume between Egypt and Brazil reached $ 1.8 billion, including $ 1.7 billion in imports and $ 8.88 million in exports.

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