China, Russia and Pakistan fail to amend the decision to …


China, Russia and Pakistan failed Friday to weaken a UN resolution recognizing the vital role of activists in the international light on human rights violations, advocates said human rights. The UN Human Rights Council has passed a resolution urging all states to protect civil society organizations from threats and intimidation and to retaliate against them.

Chile introduced the draft resolution on behalf of more than 50 countries.

China, Pakistan and Russia have proposed amendments calling on civil society organizations to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States and to fund them "in a lawful and transparent manner". Human Rights Watch's John Fisher told Reuters: "China and Russia are generally the least tolerant and the most acceptable to civil society, and now they are trying to put in place similar restrictions at the international level." China has repeatedly mentioned in UN reports that harassment and reprisals against local activists have attempted to draw attention to human rights violations at meetings. of the Geneva Council, including the ban on traveling

. "Their attempts to reduce the independence of civil society and reduce the voice of civil society have been thwarted by a strong message from the world's member states," said Sarah Brooks of the International Human Rights Service. ;man.

and supported Britain Germany, Switzerland and the European Union must develop the activity of human rights defenders, including their activities online [19659006] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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