Chinese team has developed a non-surgical method to detect and evaluate tumors


Nanjing, November 28, 2018 – A team led by Gao Xin, a researcher at the Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering Technologies of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, set up a new non-evaluation model Surgical characteristics of biological tumors by radonics, term used for images extracted from computer algorithms.

Radonics is a new branch in the field of medical information processing, combining the latest computer advances and algorithms with traditional medical imaging such as tomography, ultrasound and MRI, to detect the biological properties of objects observed in a manner similar to microscopy.

There was no way to get a series of tumor pathogens except through surgery and ejaculation in the past. However, it is now possible to obtain only MRI images based on this model, while the effectiveness of this new method has been successfully validated in more than 100 patients with rectal cancer.

According to Gao Xin, this model is currently being tested on patients with various diseases such as ovarian cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer and liver cancer. It should also be promoted in different types of cancer diagnosis and treatment.

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