Chris Brown in front of the security forces again: another violent attack


  Chris Brown in front of the security forces: another violent attack
Chris Brown in front of the security forces: another violent attack

The famous American singer Chris Brown ends his concert in Florida on Thursday during his tour Heartbreak on Full Moon tour, until the police stopped him for assaulting a cameraman at a ceremony in a nightclub in Tampa Florida in April 2017.
The photographer, Benny Vines Jr., complained to the police. In 2017, causing him a deep wound to the lip, according to Time magazine.

Yesterday, Chris Brown was released on $ 2,000 bail. But that's not Brown's first problem with the police and justice. He has been arrested several times since 2009. His problems began after he severely beat his beloved (then) star Rihanna. As he admitted in a recent interview, stating that he had savagely beaten her and let her bleed.

In 2013, he beat a man who was trying to take a picture with him In 2017, his love Karoichi Tran got a court order obliging him to stay away from her after the l ', [[[[[threatenedwithviolence

In front of her in January 2016, a woman accused her of beating her in a nightclub.

Modern Arabic

Source: The Nile

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