CIB concludes digital partnership with Microsoft


Dubai – MubasherCommercialbank International (CIB), one of the leading providers of corporate and business finance services in the UAE, today announced a partnership with Microsoft Gulf.

The statement released today, which received a "direct" copy, will allow the bank to move from this step to Microsoft's trusted cloud as a major step in the digital transformation process.

Over the past three decades, CIB has established itself as a leading bank in the UAE to provide banking and financial management services to individuals and businesses.

In line with the Bank's strategic ambition to provide the best possible customer experience, the Bank is focused on digital technologies to meet customer needs through enhanced banking and product and service development. .

As part of its digital transformation strategy, the Bank is focusing on productivity, information security and data security in order to keep pace with rapid change in line with the UAE vision.

The bank was selected on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform after evaluating many technology cloud platforms, due to its many advanced features, including flexibility, security, scalability, and scalability. scalability.

Earlier this year, Microsoft announced that it would provide a secure, flexible, and intelligent cloud to its regional customers through two dedicated cloud data centers, one in Dubai and the other in Abu Dhabi, and provide services to various businesses in the region. Middle East.

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