Cinema Aqil .. Success story of the first independent cinema in the UAE (Video)


  Aqeel Cinema. Success story of UAE's first independent cinema (Video)

You-Tube: Akil Cinema

The Aqeel independent cinema project started with only 40 seats and was successful in Dubai, the city where commercial cinema is so prevalent.

The idea began years ago when an institution, Buthaina Kazem, was still wondering why she could watch Arab or international films in Berlin and Paris, while she did could not see the same movies in his city, Dubai.

Then the principle of "if you lose the wrong thing", Buthaina began to work on creating an integrated cultural platform through which these films were presented, to succeed the idea at the level from the United Arab Emirates and up to the fourth year. On the challenge of Aqeel Cinema: "When we talk about alternative cinema, we talk about it," she said. Culture, identity and others, a major challenge in a city where commercial cinema is dominated. "

The most important advice of Buthina for anyone who has the idea of ​​starting his own business, especially in the cultural field, is to start a small project because the entrepreneur must not only to have a commercial purpose, but a moral addition that his project will leave to the people

The independent or alternative cinema occupies the projection of cultural and non-commercial films, films that are not produced by big international companies Alternative cinema has its own audience, often different from that of traditional commercial films

Source: YouTube + CNN

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