"City Builders" Adopts 3 Initiatives to Provide People and Improve Government Services in Dubai <Al Watan Journal


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"Builders of the city" – the general secretariat of the Dubai Emirate's Executive Board – has adopted three joint government initiatives, as part of a meeting of the city's construction teams with the directors Participating parties' generals, held yesterday at the headquarters of "City Builders" pursuant to the directives of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. Crown Prince of Dubai and chairman of the executive board for the improvement of government services in Dubai at 100% with Expo 2020 Dubai.
Directors General have adopted three new initiatives to improve the government's common services, bringing to 11 the number of joint initiatives approved to date in 2018, with the aim of combining inter-agency efforts and work. .
The initiatives are the Family Counseling Service, a joint initiative of the Community Development Authority, the Dubai Courts, the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities and the Ministry of Community Development, where an initiative has been adopted to develop services. related to family counseling services in the emirate of Dubai and to develop a more stable system for the family, and achieve the goals of empowerment and achieve the happiness of the family.
The initiative will include the creation of a database and the design of a smart system, as well as the establishment of an integrated system between the responsible parties, which will move the number of reconciliation cases from 80% to 95% with an estimated response time of one day instead of five days. Currently at 4 with the implementation of the initiative.
The initiative is facilitated by the DEWA, ​​the Dubai Health Authority, the Dubai Police Branch, the Authority of Roads and Transportation, the Dubai Municipality, the Directorate General of Residence and Foreign Affairs, Directorate General of Civil Protection, Community Development Directorate Community.
This initiative relied on a phone call from a citizen on the radio about the multiplicity of communication points in case of death. The service meets the needs of the parents of the deceased from the date of death and subsequent proceedings of burial or deportation of the body out of the state to non-citizens until the completion of the The government procedures for the funeral cortege are government services that help the relatives of the deceased, have a positive impact on their psychological state and give the impression to the local and international community of the effectiveness of the Government services of the emirate of Dubai to deal with various humanitarian cases.
The initiative should help to reduce the body's movements, to carry out all the procedures between the parties, to create a single point of contact for all the requirements of the deceased, not to move between the parties to obtain the service, to set up a single system to carry out all the procedures and to follow the parties' commitment until the specified date, as well as to allow a trained and qualified team to facilitate the transactions.
The Fazaa team will be installed in the main public hospitals. It will strive to educate the deceased on the procedures followed, present the transactions and data through the unified window, monitor their affairs, alleviate their suffering and provide information on the material and in-kind assistance provided to the disabled. . Stakeholders.
CEOs have adopted the "Smart Execution" initiative for the implementation of "court execution" between the Dubai courts, the Dubai Police General Command and the central bank of the Ministry of Finance. Human Resources and Emiratization, with the aim of redefining the services, operations and indicators of the implementation of Dubai courts throughout the process. Execution starts from the file constraint until the requester receives the value of the claim.
And help save time and money on the customer and the speed and accuracy of the implementation of court decisions and streamline expenses and increase the proportion of happiness of dealers and reduce the duration of the obligations of executives and the speed of time. access to the implementation of the applicant, should contribute to the implementation of the initiative to reduce the time of access to the service In applications and communications by 89%, 53 000 requests per year to 6,000 addresses per year currently.
"The development of government services is one of the key factors of client happiness and contributes to the aspirations of wise leaders to improve the performance of public works and to keep abreast of developments and practices that facilitate delivery. of services and contribute to the qualitative shift in performance and to improve excellence in the work, "said Saeed Al Mulla. Government in its most complete sense.
He added that the goal of improving government services is to ensure that the customer's journey experience is improved, as well as to consolidate the values ​​of teamwork and of Team spirit to provide innovative solutions that help improve the quality of public services provided. To ensure the best results in the short and long term, I want to succeed in the teams in the next phase.
It should be noted that the process of improving the common public service goes through five main stages in the framework of the creative design methodology of services adopted by the "city builders", the "preparation for change" phase and begin to discover a challenge in a service or identify a certain opportunity to improve them and prepare all the initial requirements to address them. Priority services are identified in collaboration with the Dubai Modeling Center of the General Secretariat of the Executive Board. The "exploration and empathy" phase involves investing the time and effort needed to better understand the context and context of the service being studied, through exploration and the collection of information resources to better understand the service and experience. those affected or influencing the service. This phase describes the dealer's journey.
The phase of "generating and testing ideas", during which the initial ideas are generated, aims to present concrete and ideal solutions by checking the list of solutions, by evaluating their components, by developing prototypes, by realizing practical tests, developing details and learning.
The "case study" phase comes after the completion of the initial modeling, testing and modification initiatives to reshape the client's journey. The team has a clear idea of the initiative or the set of initiatives that he wishes to implement to improve the customer's journey. The team strives to implement the necessary changes in the client's journey throughout the implementation of the approved initiatives and to report on their progress.

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