Coinciding with the total lunar eclipse tomorrow .. Learn how to call the links … Masrawy


In conjunction with the total eclipse of the moon tomorrow .. Learn how to call my prayers Eclipse and eclipse


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Muhammad Qadus wrote:

The world will see Friday the phenomenon of the longest total lunar eclipse of more than 100 years. The lunar eclipse should last 103 minutes while remaining inside the Earth's surface, because of the intersection of the sun and the moon

The Egyptian Fatwa House publishes its response to a question: "How is my prayer Eclipse and Eclipse?" (Interpretation of meaning): "The prayer is a university or a prayer" She says that the call to prayer is to inform the student. time of prayer, and the ears are the language of the media. "Allah says (interpretation of meaning):" (19659005) Dar's Fatwa Committee added that it is the institution of the community. the eclipse and the eclipse, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "The sun and the moon are two of the signs of God, do not be afraid of the death of someone or his life. And he said: "I prayed because I saw the Messenger of Allah that Allah bless him and his family and pray" and because it is a eclipse, and this looks like the eclipse of the sun, and this is done by a group and an individual.

The eulogy is a draft of prayers that are only imposed by the media, because they are limited in time: the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said in the hadeeth narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim It was reported that Malik ibn al-Hurayth (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "If you attend prayer, one of you will be allowed to give you your permission. " The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) Allah said: "I prayed with the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) (19659005) As for the prayer of Allah Eclipse and eclipse, it is called "the prayer is a university" because of the hadith hadiths of the hadeeth of 'Abd Allah ibn' Amr ibn al – 'As , that Allah be pleased with them.On the era of the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and his family, we say: Prayer is the university. " , said Imam Shafi & # 39; i in "the mother" (1/269, I. Dar Knowledge): [وأحب أن يأمر الإمام المؤذن أن يقول في الأعياد، وما جمع الناس من الصلاة: الصلاة جامعة] Ah.

As a result, Prayers for Eclipse and Eclipse Pray for a group, and pray for them to "pray to the University", and do not call them to ears, adhan for only written prayers.

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