Dark Mater publishes its first report on electronic security in the UAE


DarkMatter Group, the first and only provider of integrated solutions for digital transformation, defense and electronic security in the region, today released its quarterly eSecurity report, which provides detailed information on vulnerabilities and vulnerabilities faced by UAE companies in the context of digital transformation. Currently.

Highlights of the T3 2018 report

  • Ninety-three percent of Dark Matter's ratings identified old software, while 83% found unauthorized software.
  • "Unauthorized Access" or "Configuration Errors" is the underlying cause of 70% of detected incidents.
  • 45% of the 20 most common weaknesses are classified as "high risk" or "critical".
  • Monitored 276,000 vulnerabilities and vulnerabilities in the UAE in nearly 800,000 Internet-connected hosting systems identified and evaluated by the company.

The final recommendations on best practices for dealing with these threats include the adoption of training programs to inform users about electronic security, the use of two-factor authentication, updates to Software level and software configuration management. The report also covers 9 of the most common threat sources according to Dark Matter's research.

These statistics have already been used successfully to conceal the electronic security defenses adopted by many organizations. The statistics and information provided by Dark Matter in this report are of great importance to any decision-maker responsible for making decisions about the security of the organization. digital infrastructure and systems for protection against electronic threats.

Eddie Schwartz, Executive Vice President of Security Services, Dark Matter Group, said, "The report's findings warn of the potential risks we face and remind us of unfortunate events in the past as triggers for For example, unauthorized access reminds us that Yahoo's user accounts are hacked and that an old software returns us to the famous WannaCry attack. "These are regrettable examples that could again become a painful reality for many companies because the necessary measures are not taken "

The eSecurity report is the first of its kind in the region, offering a mix of internal data and analysis from the company's specialized services and platform technologies, as well as open source information. useful for the United Arab Emirates. And effective recommendations for managing and managing identified risks.

The report provides information based on evidence-based quantitative and qualitative data, as well as evidence to help UAE organizations better understand the risks they face and take immediate action to raise the level of cyberimmunity. According to the report, organizations operating in the UAE have about 800,000 Internet video hosting systems, a computer system that typically comes in the form of servers providing a wide range of jobs and professional tasks, involving 276,000 weaknesses.

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Nearly half of the vulnerabilities identified as high-risk vulnerabilities were ranked in CVSS, a standard indicator of the severity of system security weaknesses. The report included investigations into several of the aforementioned vulnerabilities; six categories were classified according to the aecERT computer emergency scale.

"We have identified many cyber attacks classified as critical on the aeCERT scale, reflecting the potential damage to any target institution in the country if any of these attacks resulted in. The results confirm that a Periodic electronic assessment and a continuing commitment to improve the level of security based on electronic transformation systems are necessary measures to ensure higher levels of electronic immunity. "

The report ends with a list of Seven practical recommendations For organizations to deploy and improve their electronic protection systems:

  • Upgrade programs and use security patches.
  • Follow the procedures to maintain the security of networks and systems.
  • Delete programs that do not comply with the standards in force.
  • Apply advanced password management policies, including two-factor authentication.
  • Survey and control of vital systems.
  • Organize periodic training programs to raise awareness of electronic security.
  • Perform ongoing safety assessments.

The report contains a detailed version of these recommendations, as well as detailed information on the UAE's institutional support for protecting their networks from potential e-risks. Dark Mater Group recommends that all UAE organizations take advantage the next eSecurity conference, which includes an intensive program that includes technical training courses. Eleven different topics and two days of multidisciplinary conferences in the fields of electronic security, as well as the famous "pick-up" contest.

Dark Mater is working with the conference organizer to organize the "Beyond Space" commercial program alongside the events taking place during the conference.

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