"Deadly Messages" Push Watsab's Demand for New Restrictions – UAE News


The Watsab communication application explained that it would launch a test to limit the re-sending of messages, applied to all users, after the Indian authorities requested restrictions on the spread of rumors .

Watsab explained that she would launch a test to limit the re-sending of messages, applied to all users, after the Indian authorities requested restrictions on the spread of rumors that led to violent incidents .

Massacres resulting from fake incendiary messages in India, the largest market for the application of more than 200 million users. Trading in pseudo-textual messages and disguised content [1969003] Watsab stated that he would also test in India to reduce the number of simultaneous conversations to a maximum of five, including individual or group conversations, and cancel the quick retransmit button for messages next to the Messages button containing images or clips [1969003] Watsab reported that Indians are the first in the world to re-send messages, images, and video clips through their application.

In response to a call from the Indian Ministry of Technology, the Government and society in general to reduce you

Advertisements were published last week in major Indian newspapers, to limit the spread of misinformation in the first attempt to fight the storm of false messages.

It gives users the rules and information that help them stay safe. Long-Term Advertising Campaigns on People's Safety

The spread of misleading messages circulating through the Watsab in India has led to a series of murders, with 29 people killed since May last year across the country. 39; India.

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