Dina El Sherbini accompanies Amr Diab in the Formula 1 race


The latest Egyptian artist and artist, Amr Diab, took part in the Formula One race held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Amr posted a photo of him via his account on the Instagram site in the stands, at the same time as the artist Dina Sherbini also published a photo taken at the same place.

With the publication of the photographs of Amr and Dina, no photos were presented together, which surprised some and did not want to appear together, although everyone knows the relationship that exists between them.

Emirati artist Hussein Al Jasmi was also in the party, and the stars took many commemorative photos between the stands and the center of the crowd.

The race also saw the presence of American star Will Smith, who came to support his friend Lewis Hamilton, world champion 5 times.

For her part, star Amr Diab signed New Year's Eve 2019 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Amr Diab recently revived the marriage of Nourhan, daughter of Chancellor Taher al-Khouli and his wife Hanan Mahjoub, and Walid, son of Dr. Osama Skagha, in a hotel in New Cairo frequented by a large number of celebrities. 39, art, media and community.

This was the first appearance of Amr Diab in the festival, and participated in the ceremony a large number of stars, including Yosra, Alham Shahin, Dora and the media Bossi Shalabi, Hala Sedqi and the artist Amir Shaheen .

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