Director of broadcasts in Arab countries: Egypt is very technical and we hope to continue our cooperation with it



Posted in:
Wednesday, June 26, 2019 – 11:13 pm
| Last update:
Wednesday, June 26, 2019 – 11:13 pm

The Director General of the Arab States Broadcasting Union, Abdel Rahim Suleiman, hailed the technical weight of Egypt, highlighting the ongoing cooperation between the Union and Egypt in the field of art. "Egypt is still present in the Union and we are delighted to participate and look forward to further cooperation with it."

In a special interview with the Middle East News Agency (MENA) in Tunis on the occasion of the 20th session of the Arab Television and Television Festival on Thursday, Suleiman said that "we are in the midst of the Middle East. a number of Egyptian artists participated in the festival as honored guests, including the artist Rogina and the artist Majid Al Masri, alongside a certain number of Egyptian artists to the jury.

Sulaiman explained that this media, arts and technology event is the oldest in the Arab world and that it is particularly important this year because it is associated with the celebration of the 50th Arab Broadcasting Union.

He pointed out the presence of the pioneers of the Union and all those who had an impact on its march in all the Arab countries at the opening, and will exceed the number of participants and dignitaries eighty people and will also attend several seminars on the march of the Union.

"A group of the best Arab artists will welcome tomorrow the opening ceremony, directed by the Tunisian Symphony Orchestra led by Mohamed Bouslama, and dedicated to the cultural diversity and artistic wealth of the Arab region. The concert will be animated by the brilliant Syrian artist Lina Chamamian, the rebirth of the Syrian and Armenian heritage, among others, as well as that of the rising Bahraini singer Faisal Al-Ansari.The ceremony will be an opportunity to celebrate the guests of Honor and honor the elite creators and actors of Arab radio and television.

"At the end of the festival, on June 30, the curtain of events of the twentieth session will be closed by the organization of an artistic concert at which the State of Palestine will provide the artistic and musical aspects as that's the festival's guest who won the Arab Idol program and will be accompanied by the band Jafra Dabka in addition to Nancy Hawa and Hossam Abu Eisha in Sakhash or Stand Up Comedy.

He pointed out that the current session of the festival will see as usual the creation of the exhibition (ASPO) of about one thousand square meters with the participation of audio and video creators and actors the audiovisual equipment sector, in addition to the creation of the software market, opening a window on innovations in the world of technology and the latest productions in the field of artistic and media creation.

He said that for the second consecutive year, judges' committees composed of competent and independent experts would be responsible for examining candidates for radio and television contests, which would increase the transparency of the festival's literature. establish the credibility of the evaluation of production.

On the contest, Sulaiman said: "The main candidates for the main radio competitions are more than 140, with the participation of 30 public radio organizations and 16 broadcasting organizations, with a total of 134 programs. main competitions and 26 parallel competitions. "The prizes will be awarded in the main radio competition for the two programs" Dramatic Comedy, Scientific Programs ". He pointed out that the value of the first prize in each type is $ 3000. The second prize is $ 1500. There are also major and parallel televised competitions with a total of 143 jobs. N is a series of social series and comedy and evening dramas produced by the years 2018 and 2019.

The Arab Festival of Radio and Television is a festival that has become an annual festival since the 2016 session, having been organized every two years by the Festival of Arab Song, with the objectives of contributing to the development of the production of Arabic radio and television and to respond to the aspirations of the member organizations and the principles on which they are based. In addition to monitoring and encouraging the innovative and serious trends of Arab radio and television production in order to develop Arab creative potential in this field.

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