Discover a new type of dinosaur


Discover a new type of dinosaur

Cairo – Middle Door Saturday, November 03, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

New dinosaur species discovered in Argentina on November 2, 2018 (AFP)

Spanish and Argentine scientists have discovered the remains of a new species of dinosaurs that lived 110 million years ago near the Andes mountain range in Argentina.

It is called "Lafocusaurus agronesis" and has a length of 12 meters. He lived in a desert area in what is now known as the Nukin Desert, where fossil sites, also known as oil wells, have been discovered, according to AFP.

"We found the bulk of the bones of the skull and a large amount of teeth, which allowed us to reconstruct them almost completely," said Jose Luis Carbaydo, a researcher at the museum Echidio Ferroglio, in the region of Patagonia in Argentina.

Other bones of the neck, tail and back have also been found. The remains of this adult animal were found on the bones of two smaller models, six to seven meters long. Experts said the animals were moving within a group and were dead at the same time.

The discovery was reported in the journal "Akta Biologica Polonica" and also published by the University of La Matancia, near Buenos Aires.


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