Disney Jones: Indiana Jones will not see the light until 2021!


Walt Disney announced the postponement of the release of the fifth series of the Indiana Jones series of Disney starring Harrison Ford in 2021, delaying the return of Ford to the role of great adventurer two years later

The film was to be released in 2020, but the date was postponed to 2021. The new delay came after reports issued by Hollywood press organizations that the script was not ready and that another writer was responsible for modifying it. Disney did not respond Tuesday to a request for comment on the movie's delay.

The new segment will return to work with famed director Steven Spielberg to deliver the successful four-part series and earn nearly $ 2 billion in global box office. Disney announced in 2016 that it would produce a fifth part of Indiana Jones.

This means that Ford will be 79 years old when he will present an Indiana archaeologist who will put on a hat hat after the first part. (Raiders of the Lost Ark) in 1981.

Spielberg is also busy with other art projects, including reintroduction of the West Side story and a religious drama entitled "L & rsquo; Abduction of Edgardo Mortara. "

V, whose name has not yet been announced 13 years after the last episode of the series, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, in which Indiana returns to his old love Reun, whose role is represented by Karen Allen and discovers that he has an adult son whose role is played by the actor Shea Labov.

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