Do the genes affect the abilities of the athlete?


Do genetic traits affect the abilities of the athlete?

Have you ever wondered how the best athletes in the world have reached this level?

How Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt, described as the fastest man in the world, managed to cross the track at the speed of light (he did not run at 299 792 458 meters per second but he's not far from that, is not he?)

What about Michael Phelps? The American swimmer, born June 30, 1985 in Baltimore and Olympic gold medalist, has so far received 28 Olympic medals, including 23 gold medals, 3 silver medals and 2 bronze medals. Did Phelps achieve all these achievements simply because he has an excellent coach?

Can genetic testing predict a person's athletic performance?

It seems logical that "training leads to perfection", but is it the only thing that allows a person to climb to the top in a particular sport? Can a person be born with good qualities?

In recent years, DNA testing by sports teams, coaches and athletes has increased dramatically. Although this question is the subject of much discussion, the idea of ​​relying on genetic information to know the mathematical abilities of a person is a very interesting idea from a scientific point of view.

Some of us have a specific and distinctive nuclear acid that can not be changed, which affects us in a very different way, others who know very well how to jog, some of whom do not digest gluten and some of which become very drunk with very little alcohol.

But having adequate DNA does not necessarily help us to improve our capabilities. The knowledge and understanding of DNA and its effects on humans is what allows adult athletes to take advantage of these genetic tendencies and thereby develop their physical abilities.

But what if you do not have the financial means to perform a genetic test? There is a free way to evaluate and improve your athletic abilities: adapt your exercise to your current physical condition, your somatotape or your "body type".

According to Heath Carter's theory, there are three types of somatodes, namely Actomorph, Endomorph and Mesomorph. People's bodies are usually a combination of these three types. In addition, individuals can train their bodies so that they can move from one species to another.

What are the three types of Somatotype?

Ectomorph: This type of object is an example of a thin person who has little fat. These bodies digest very quickly, but also have difficulty gaining muscle, which often results in the breast being thin and the muscles lighter.

Indomorphic: This type of body is heavy in structure and easily acquires fat and muscle, but its loss in fat is often difficult due to slow digestion and absorption.

Misomorph: known as the musculoskeletal body, it is characterized by rapid digestion and its muscle cells are very sensitive, which contributes to rapid growth and good form.

Each somatotape responds differently to the same physical exercise and diet. If you want to be a successful athlete, you must adapt your exercise to the type of body that suits you best, otherwise you risk doing a lot of effort without real gain.

Knowing your genetic traits is not what can make you a successful athlete, but in many cases you will find that you inadvertently practice in a way that suits your genetic traits, because you simply find that you are getting them. best results.

You can read the original article from BBC Earth

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