
Dora publishes her photo with Saba Mubarak of the Festival of Cinema Lighthouses in Tunis Dorta publishes his photo with Sabra Mubarak of the Festival of Lighthouses of Cinema in Tunisia We publish our news on our news site and start with the most important news, Dora publishes his photo With Saba Mubarak Festival Beacons of Cinema in Tunis

In the last appearance of the artist Dorra on his profile page on the site of the famous pictures "Instagram" new photos accompanied by the artist Saba Mubarak of the festival "Menarat cinema" in Tunisia
Durra fought the last Ramadan series "Eagle Upper" (19659006) Source: vetogate.com
More on this topic on the following links:
youm7.com: Bushra mediated by Hind Sabri and Saba Mubarak at the Manarat Festival in Tunisia: "Union des femmes dangereuses"
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The newspaper Al-Akhbarna, Dora publishes his photo with Saba Mubarak Tunis Festival in Tunis Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive new information