Dot Emarat – Emergency alerts can make their way to the end …


  Emergency alerts may eventually result in Internet broadcast services such as Netflix

For example, earlier this year, an alert alerting the inhabitants of the United States that a missile had been sent to Hawaii was sent by mistake, but an example of how to use it. These alerts.

But people began to engage in broadcast services like Net Well, thanks to the new bill that was introduced recently, it seems like the government is considering the idea of ​​sending out emergency alerts to broadcasting services if necessary.

Improving the Reliability of Emergency Alert Distribution "By Senator Brian Schatz and Senator John Thune, Senator Brian Schatz said," When a missile alert was sent to Hawaii in January, some people The message on their phones never, while others have neglected on the AG Shake the TV and the radio. Although this is a false alarm, this alert has revealed real flaws in the way people receive emergency alerts.

However, it remains to be seen whether the US government will begin to enforce this law because it must bypass a few hurdles first, like moving to the Senate.

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