Dot Emarat – How to connect the Windows timeline with chrome, fi …


If you have run the Windows 10 April update, you are sure to know what Windows Timeline is and what to do.While you can go back to restore applications, Microsoft has not achieved its goal. Authentic applications are not supported by this feature

Microsoft has opened the door to third-party companies to support this feature with their applications, but Google does not really want to invest its efforts on Windows and therefore, what you do on Google Chrome does not appear Timeline

Finally, the UWP developer, called Dominic Maas, came up with a Web extension called Windows Time Line Support that bridges the gap between Chrome and Windows Timeline and was helped by developer Daniel Aleksanderson who worked on Firefox in this extension. So, in addition to Google Chrome, free use of the extension is also available for users of Vivaldi and Mozilla Firefox

This extension provides a Timeline for activities that you can access later and takes support the Continue on PC feature

How to link Google Chrome to the features of the timeline?

For Chrome and Vivaldi browsers, you can download the extension via Chrome Store For Firefox, you can download the extension via this link

There is something important about which you must be aware and that you must use the same For the supplement to work effectively and ideally it asks you to allow certain things, including the ability to see your list of devices as well as the transfer and communication with other devices and to access the information and other permissions necessary for his work.

 Chronology of the Window Requesting Permission

After accepting the required permissions, it will take some time to complete the Chrome activities in your timeline. By default, the browser web page must remain open for at least 8 seconds to be added and considered a timeline activity. To change this, click on the extension icon in the toolbar, then click on the windows calendar

If all is on how to link Timeline with Chrome and others Since the extension is still in beta, you may find some disadvantages

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