Dreams accompanied by the mother of the Queen of Jordan for lunch (video and photos)


The Emirati singer, Ahlam, participated in her official account on the site "Instagram" where she appeared with her mother, Elham Eliasin, in Jordan.

Ahlam commented on the photo collection, published Sunday: I thank her with all my heart, the honorable lady who honored me with her presence at Jerash, and I would like to thank her for her special invitation to lunch today and for the hospitality I gave him. My family and I were overwhelmed by the hospitality, the reception and the attention I was very happy to visit the Jordan River Foundation and see the craft group in the hands of the women in Jordan, and I wish them much success. "

Photos of the mother and singer of Queen Rania 19659003] The Emirati singer gave a huge concert at the Jerash Festival, after the absence of 17 years since her last concert in 2001 and before in 1996. [19659004] if (typeof fbq === & nbsp; undefined & # 39;) {
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