Dreams of the operetta star "Sun of Civilizations" dedicated to King Mohammed VI – today 24


Emirati artist Ahlam Al Shamsi participates in the operetta "Sun of Civilizations", which sings King Mohammed VI and his relations in the Arab countries, and is dedicated to him on the occasion of the 19th anniversary of his ascent.

Prince Moulay Ismail, cousin of the king and ambassador of Moroccan song Musab Al Enezi

The artist Ahlam said in a letter to King Mohammed VI on the occasion of his participation in the festival. operetta: "We have learned your love and your love entrenched in our heart .. God .. of the daughter of the United Arab Emirates

The Saudi artist Rabah Saqr, the Kuwaiti artist Nabil Shuail and l & # 39; 39; Jordanian artist Diana Karazon participate in the work., Bahraini artist Ahmed Al-Jumairi, Qatari artist Fahd Al-Kubaisi and the emirati artist Ahlam.

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