Dubai – A new study reveals that Google Assistant and Alexa …


<img itemprop = "image" src = "" alt = "A new study reveals that Google Assistant and Alexa do not understand certain dialects "

When we see companies like Apple, Google and Amazon show their digital assistants on stage Or in advertising, it is still presented as having no flaws – its work is almost perfect and still seems capable of producing good results, but that does not seem to be the case in real life.

Washington Post, he worked with my research group to discover which of the most successful dialects of others when it came to results varied between Google Assistant and Alexa, but the overall results revealed that users different dialects had trouble using this digital help.

For example, they found that the Hindi, Chinese and Spanish dialects were among the most difficult dialects. "I'm afraid we find ourselves in a place where these tools are more useful than others to some people. "said Rachael Tatman, who did not participate in the study, who works for Kaggle Data Sciences

. Stresses only how companies should continue to work on the development of these But if you speak non-native English, do not be surprised if you have more trouble communicating with digital assistance as you wish.

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