Dubai – AED 592 billion checks issued …


  AED: 592 billion checks in 5 years on the United Arab Emirates

The number of checks processed by the Emirates Check Clearing System has reached 12,060 million checks According to statistics published today by the UAE central bank on check movements in the United Arab Emirates, the first five months of 2018 amounted to about Dh 592 billion

The value of checks exchanged between January and the end of May 39.3% of the total value checks exchanged during the 2017 year of 1.5 trillion dirhams reflecting the ongoing activity of the economic movement in the country.

In the period of checks returned in the first five months of this year, Central Bank statistics showed that the number of 515 thousand checks did not exceed 4.3 billion. % Of the total value of completed checks processed at the end of May.

Central Bank statistics showed an increase in the circulation of checks last May of 2.4 million checks valued at 123.8 billion dirhams. % Compared to the month of the previous April and in which he arrived The value of checks in circulation was 117 billion dirhams

In March of the same year, the number of checks checked rose to 2 , 5 million checks worth about 124 billion dirhams, while in February they reached 2.25 million checks worth 109.34 billion dirhams. In the first month of the year, the number of checks executed amounted to two million and 406 thousand checks amounting to 117.7 billion dirhams

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