DUBAI – "End of the World" unveils …


Some Internet users have discovered that when you type the word "dog" in the Google translation several times, and that you ask to change it from several languages ​​to English, you will receive a terrible warning.

Excerpts from this strange discovery were posted on the Reddit website, causing many people to fear for their lives, some rushing to check themselves and asking that the word "dog" be translated several times.

© Google Translate

The strange message says, "The Hour of Resurrection is 3 minutes to noon, we face personalities and developments." In the world, suggests that we approach more in addition to the end and return of Christ. "

© Google Translate

Internet speculation has spread about what might be behind this ominous warning.

Probably because of the change that Google Translate made years ago, called "neurodegenerative translation" , according to Harvard professor Alexander Rush, who said the system could "hallucinate" when there was a malfunction in nutrition, thus presenting strange results.

Source: RT

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