Dubai Health Launches Zayed's Best Scientific Research Competition for the Year Dubai Health Launches Zayed's Best Scientific Research Competition for the Year Sunday, 15.07.2018 09:09 p


The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has launched the best scientific research on the health and medical achievements of the late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan

This is part of a series of initiatives being implemented. on the occasion of the celebration of the UAE of Zayed. Thoughts, orientations and interests of Sheikh Zayed, especially scientific and cultural.

This award recognizes the achievements of the Sheikh Zayed era in health and demonstrates its interest in human health and safety and the rapid spread of hospitals, health centers and medical clinics. United Arab Emirates

The award aims to enrich the scientific content in academic and academic institutions with specialized research that meets the needs of academics, researchers and students of specialized studies and their need for diversify sources of knowledge ["LeconcoursaétélancéaveclacoopérationfructueuseentreDubaiHealthetleDubaiCultureandScienceForumconformémentauthèmecultureletculturel"adéclaréKhalidAlJallafprésidentdel'équipedegestiondesconnaissancesetprésidentducomitégénéraldeZayed(19659006)Ilsoulignequecelas'inscritdanslesoucidedévelopperlaconsciencedesnouvellesgénérationsdesréalisationsetdesaccomplissementsdeCheikhZayed(that'Allahluifassemiséricorde)etlafondationdesEAUcommeétatdesciencedeconnaissanceetdecréativitéIlasoulignéqueleDHAassureral'impressiondestroisrecherchesengagnantlespremierscentresetlesdistribueraauxinstitutionsacadémiquesetéducativesetauxbibliothHenotedthatfinancialprizeshavebeenawardedinrecognitionofthewinners:thefirstwinnerwillreceive30000AEDthesecond25000andthethirdAED20000Thisisinadditiontotheawardingofprizes

Moral appreciation of the laureates.

Regarding the general conditions and controls of the competition, Al-Jallaf stated that the competition was open to citizens and residents and required compliance with the exact scientific method and analysis of information and data. aadh excellence medical achievements and health at the time of the end of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan.

The number of search words varies between 20 and 30 thousand words, in Arabic only and three copies of paper and electronic, in addition that the contestant must provide images and data and evidence of the research content . Has already participated in contests or other prizes

The Authority, who wishes to participate in this contest, invites them to submit their applications before 14 October by email [email protected]

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Sunday, 15.07.2018 09:09, Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive new news constantly.
Source: Arab Yemen

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