Dubai Maritime Summit 2018 begins today



The Dubai Marine Summit 2018 will be held at the Emirates Marine Week 2018, which will discuss international best practices and innovative solutions in the global marine sector, as well as important issues such as the decision to determine the sulfur content of fuels sailors.
The head of the international shipping hall, Espin Paulson, said in a statement received on Saturday by "Mubasher" that the summit would discuss the decision of "the International Maritime Organization" to manufacture 0.5% sulfur from the maximum offshore fuel, which should come into effect. Implemented globally early in 2020, calling for the need for solidarity from governments and international organizations and the navy to achieve the desired goals.
The Summit is of strategic importance as an ideal platform to capitalize on the pioneering experience of Dubai as one of the top five in the International Freight Center's Development Index and the One of the five most competitive and attractive maritime groups in the world.
The summit will also unveil a number of new companies that have recently joined the local maritime sector, highlighting the attraction of Dubai's investments in the global maritime map.
The Dubai Maritime Summit is a major step forward in promoting the convergence of maritime industry leaders, building bridges for knowledge transfer and sharing international best practices, and encouraging the development of innovative solutions that will enhance the competitiveness of the global maritime community and enable it to become a key player in the global economy. .
The Emirates Marine Week 2018 is expected to attract more than 400 exhibitors from major shipping companies from around the world, with more than 8,000 visitors from leading marine experts from the United Arab Emirates, the region and the world.

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Source: agencies

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