DUBAI – New study reveals that iPad tablets can be bad …


  A new study reveals that iPad tablets can be bad for neck health

There have been some studies in the past that have shown that the use of the smartphone is more than necessary This can be caused by the pressure and stress you put on your neck when you watch your phone, which is very bad especially during long sessions.

Now, smartphones are not the only ones to do it. Recently posted that iPad tablets are also bad for your neck where the disease is called "AIBA neck" "According to the study, these researchers found that this affects younger users compared to older users, and this seems affect women more than men.

According to physiotherapy professor Szu-Ping Lee and lead author of the study, "This increase in the prevalence of neck and shoulder symptoms, especially among young people, is a heavy burden for society, "she added, adding," The results are not surprising when you think that tablets are different from smartphones. They contain larger screens, as opposed to smaller smartphones.

What can we do about it? We assume that there is not much you can do except get some support, such as a good chair or maybe use your tablet to a comfortable level.Instead, you can also try to reduce the time you spend using your tablet, what Apple is trying to do with the digital entertainment features built into iOS 12. [19659006] Associated news

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