Dubai police to offer security consultations for Expo 2020


The Dubai Police Headquarters and Expo 2020 Dubai have signed a memorandum of understanding to strengthen and strengthen cooperation, coordination and strategic objectives between the two parties to establish safety standards and safety and support Expo 2020 Dubai. HE Reem Bint Ibrahim Al Hashemi, Minister of State for International Cooperation and Director General of the Bureau, and General Abdullah Khalifa Al Marri, Commander-in-Chief of the Dubai Police Department

The Memorandum is intended to provide technical advice , support and training for volunteers. And Bilateral Cooperation

The memo also provides for the assessment and analysis of potential threats and risks throughout the Expo 2020 and the development of appropriate solutions, as well as the preparation of Appropriate solutions, In coordination with the security of the Expo 2020 and coordination and joint action between the Dubai police and the security of Expo 2020 through the operations room. "The importance of signing the memorandum of understanding with the Dubai Police General Command comes from the importance of this national project of the state and its people," said Reem Al Hashimi.

His Excellency welcomed the presence of the directors and officials of the Dubai Police Department at the Dubai Expo 2020: "The preparation of all departments and police teams in Dubai is a priority for Expo 2020 and its contribution to the success of Expo 2020 The world is on us, we look the best and honor our dear country, and we do what we do "We do not consider Expo 2020 as an event transitional, but as a milestone for other upcoming projects, we are working on building the 2020 culture of national institutions and we are also preparing the modern infrastructure of this part of Dubai, forming a new branch of South Dubai. What we are building today not only meets the requirements of Expo 2020 but also builds a city for future generations.

The Forum of Civilizations

General Abdullah Khalifa Al Marri, Commander-in-Chief of Dubai Police, C & # 39; is a forum for civilizations, cultures and exchange of knowledge which asserts the UAE's capacity in general and Dubai in particular to host such international events, as it has the integrated infrastructure of international standards and human frameworks in the tourism industry and exhibitions . Public Facilities and Shopping Malls "The Dubai General Command has set 2020 as its top priority and mobilized all its capabilities and intelligent and technical systems to provide the necessary support in all areas of security and services. , And monitoring all teams and their relationships with all the state security institutions to provide high quality intelligent services to all visitors and organizers of participating delegations, to be the best ambassadors of the world. State of Happiness Ensure the success and reputation of the UAE in all areas and cooperate and coordinate all parties to ensure the success of this global event that adds to the UAE's balance and provides support total at Expo 2020 Dubai while achieving the general objectives common to all parties.

The President and the The members of the security committee of all the Dubai police and police departments presented an overview of the work stages of the teams and their training programs. Time and operational plans, as well as coordination mechanisms between Expo 2020 Dubai, Dubai Police and other strategic partners.

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