"Dubai Roads" opens today a tunnel serving the streets of happiness and the land


The Authority of Roads and Transport (RTA) will open Friday a 420-meter tunnel between Al Saada Street and Meedan Road, as part of the second phase of the Parallel Highway Improvement Project. in the Business Bay area. The tunnel is part of a project to develop and upgrade the western side of the parallel roads in the area between Al Midan and Financial Center streets which includes the construction of a viaduct at 39. intersection of Al Sa & ada street with 240 km from Burj Khalifa boulevard, Tunnel at the intersection of Al Sa & ada street with Al Khaleej street With a length of 535 meters, a bridge skirting Al Sa'ada street, a 500-meter waterway, another bridge at the intersection of Al Midan Street with the first 420-meter road and a tunnel to cross horses in the stables area. Dubai. The opening of the project in the flow of traffic in the street of happiness, specifically in the area between the streets of the financial center and the field, across the Bay of business, to the area of ​​?? Al-Quoz [19659002] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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